Friday, April 3, 2009

Day 3

Night lights

Over Virginia, headed to Dulles:
Giant fractal octopi, winding their tentacles around and around each other.
Over Texas, headed to Dallas/Ft Worth:
Rhombi, trapezoids, rectangles.
Over Madrid. headed to Barajas:
Millions of eyes, drowsily winking at each other.
Over Ireland, headed to Dublin:
Bosomy hills with fairy light footskirts.
Over the Czech Republic, headed to Ruzyně:
Creamy, out-of-focus blobs of butter.
Over Mexico City, headed to Benito Juarez:
The pereférico is a shiny, slithering snake. 

1 comment:

  1. Aieee! You fly to much. We're gonna have to tie you down.
